Ride or Die – S01E12 – Faith
This week we’re sweatin’ like a couple of whores in church because we’re following Supernatural into a shady evangelical revival tent and triggering Pru’s first ugly cry of the season in Ride or Die – S1E12 – Faith!
A death march through the CW's Supernatural, one episode at a time.
This week we’re sweatin’ like a couple of whores in church because we’re following Supernatural into a shady evangelical revival tent and triggering Pru’s first ugly cry of the season in Ride or Die – S1E12 – Faith!
This week we explore whether anybody on the show had ever seen an apple tree before, the fact that one of your hosts finds small towns scarier than monsters, and the Aggressive hair decisions of the early 2000s on Ride or Die – S1E11 – Scarecrow!
Dust off your tarps and naked baby dolls, because this week, Dean and Sam are making a visit to an abandoned mental hospital and Pru is not okay with any of it in Ride or Die – S1E10 – Asylum!
Episode Ratings:
Waldorph: 5/5
Pru: 5/5
Things to Do Instead of Watching Supernatural:
Waldorph: Go to the ocean and read Uprooted!
Pru: Go sit outside and read Spymistress!
Break out your aloe vera infused tissues and fire suppressants, folks, because this week, we’re headed back to Lawrence, Kansas to experience new and different versions of our childhood trauma with Ride or Die – S1E09 – Home! Sidebar: Also, Pru at one point refers to the Kentucky basketball team, when she means Kansas and obviously the Jayhawks. It is a sin of tomfoolery from which she will never recover, and begs you, and Roy Williams’ forgiveness.
Everybody tuck your pants into your socks because we’re trucking out to the butthole of middle America to be killed by plastic spiders. This week, we talk on Ride or Die – S1E08 – Bugs and how much we hate it!
Limber up, because this week we’re going to try to get sexually active in cars, explore the exciting side of religious guilt and discuss the melting temp of silver. This week, we talk Ride or Die – S1E07 – Hook Man!
Episode Ratings:
Waldorph: 3/5
Pru: 3/5
Things to Do Instead of Watching Supernatural:
Waldorph: Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural
Pru: Guy Ritchie’s Man from UNCLE
Tuck that baseball bat up into bed with you because this week, Sam and Dean hunt a shapeshifting serial killer in one of the grossest friggin episodes we’ve ever seen. Check out Ride or Die – S1E06 – Skin!
Episode Ratings:
Waldorph: 1/5
Pru: 4/5
Things to Do Instead of Watching Supernatural:
Waldorph: The Adventure Zone Podcast
Pru: Meet the Penguins
Stay away from every friggin reflective surface in your house because this week, Sam and Dean rack up about 46,000 years bad luck (sounds about right) and we revisit the waking nightmares of our teen sleepover years. Check out Ride or Die – S1E05 – Bloody Mary!
Episode Ratings:
Waldorph: 5/5
Pru: 5/5
Things to Do Instead of Watching Supernatural:
Waldorph: Domestic Violence Resources (US Based)
1-800-799-7233 – National Domestic Violence Hotline or THEHOTLINE.ORG
For teens: 1-866-331-9474 or LOVEISRESPECT.ORG
LGBTQA+ Resources can be found at thehotline.org
Pru: Bondi Vet
Welcome to Ride or Die, the home of a podcast where Waldorph and Pru strap in for the long haul to watch and talk about the CW’s Supernatural — one episode at a time, from the pilot.
If you’d like to support us on this death march through American urban legends and aggressive textile layering, please consider visiting our Patreon and pledging to help us defray the cost of running the show, or, visiting us at our Twitter account, to keep on top of our many and various shenanigans.
Our official launch will be in June 2018, so buckle up!